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Whether you’re buying a business, selling a business or looking to finance your business, there are many things a company must do before it can present to buyers, sellers or financiers. I will prepare your company for sale or financing to get top dollar. If you are buying, I will unearth the hidden risks.
Selling a Business
If you are about to sell your business, chances are that you will not get top dollar for it. This is mainly because businesses are not shown in the best light for the buyer.
Not only can I prepare the company for that buyer, I bring unique business skills to your company that will quickly escalate the value of your company.
Who knows, after I’m done you may want to keep the company!
Buying a Business
Are you looking to buy a business? How stable is it?
I can help you identify hidden risks within that company and determine if that company model is right for you. Companies are more than just numbers, you want me on your side. A little investment insurance.
Financing (Seed Money)
I can show you how to find money in your own back yard. How to present and what to offer. This money is usually landed through our passion.
Financing (Angel Investments)
This is some of the hardest money to land. You have to know what to look for and how to present your plan.
This is a high risk investment and Angels want returns.
Financing (Venture Capital)
Your company needs to be highly prepared for this level of financing. I can prepare your company but expect a lot of hard work on both our parts.
Entrepreneurial leader and strategic thinker, successful at bringing work from the drawing board to profitability. Highly adept at building new businesses, turnarounds and restructuring initiatives. Provides expertise in technology management, business development, operations management and creating shareholder value.
Phone : 416-986-4686
Email : Contact The Koz